Understanding the link between the organization's social responsibility and employees' work attitudes in tourism industry setting

  • Jarkovská Petra University of South Bohemia in Ceske Budejovice


This paper aims to present Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as a possible way how to directly or indirectly influence employees' work attitudes, such as job satisfaction (JS) and turn over intentions (TI), using concepts from psychology (motivational theories) and social psychology (e.g. Social Exchange Theory, Social Identity Theory) as underlying theories. To examine the link between CSR and employees' work attitudes (JS, TI), empirical research was carried out in the tourism industry setting (hospitality subsector), employing a series of multiple regression analyses. The physical research location, Prague, the Czech Republic capital, was chosen on purpose, as it is one of the leading tourism destinations in the Central European and European region. Apart from the empirical research findings, the paper tries topresent the tourism industry from a sustainable socio-economic regional development perspective and summarise the CSR concept's historical evolution by highlighting some of the most relevant academic literature contributions.